Gender on the Hill

Gender on the Hill

An internet article published by the University of Utah talked about a new class promoting community engagement in the legislative process. I had the privilege of visiting with some of these students during the session when they came to Capitol Hill to advocate. Below...
Week 7 Update: End of Session

Week 7 Update: End of Session

The 2017 General Legislative Session is officially over. 535 bills have been passed this session. A lot was accomplished over the seven weeks allotted us. Monday After the final committee meetings, HB 395 that aims to reduce balance billing for ER services passed the...
Week 6 Update

Week 6 Update

Crunch time is here. The board has been wiped, meaning that bills can be prioritized so that priority bills will have a better chance of being heard. Monday On Monday, the Red Cross was in the Capitol. My intern and I both volunteered to donate blood. I also presented...
Week 5 Update

Week 5 Update

With Washington and Lincoln Day on Monday, it was a short week here on the Hill. There was still much to do in the four days that we did have. Tuesday On Tuesday, I had my hands full with presenting two bills in the committee that I also chair right before running...
Week 4 Update

Week 4 Update

Week 4 marks the middle of the session. We are more than halfway there and things are really starting to roll. Monday The surveys have continued to come in. I have already started using the feedback to guide my votes and I look forward to reviewing the questions and...