Crunch time is here. The board has been wiped, meaning that bills can be prioritized so that priority bills will have a better chance of being heard.
On Monday, the Red Cross was in the Capitol. My intern and I both volunteered to donate blood.
I also presented two of my bills during afternoon floor time: HB 336 Health Reform Amendments and 2HR 2 Resolution Modifying House Rules.
For Mardi Gras, a fellow representative brought beads for everyone. Fat Tuesday also marked the first day of evening floor time, giving us a taste of what Week 7 will be like.
After presenting bills and commenting on others, I had some fun with the Business and Labor committee that I chair. SB 159 Helmet Requirement Amendments would require people riding motorcycles to wear helmets up to age 21 rather than just 18 as dictated by current law.
Food Truck Friday came to the Capitol. My intern and I enjoyed eating outside in the nice weather and supporting small businesses.
HB 442 Alcohol Amendments also came to the floor to be debated. This bill adapts current alcohol law. While there are still concerns, many feel this is a step forward.
Weekly Fun Fact
I love playing volleyball and have been playing for years. I will be participating in the US Nationals this Spring.