With Washington and Lincoln Day on Monday, it was a short week here on the Hill. There was still much to do in the four days that we did have.


Presenting HB 395 with some individuals who have been affected by balance billing

On Tuesday, I had my hands full with presenting two bills in the committee that I also chair right before running over into my town hall meeting. HB 395 targeting emergency room balance billing was again featured on the news with different information from last week’s news story (link). I also presented HB 376.

Meeting with constituents at my town hall

Good turnout and great comments at my town hall

After both committee presentations, I rushed over to my town hall meeting. It was great to review the results of survey, talk about hot topics and concerns, and get to know some of my constituents a little better.


I love cookies and cream ice cream!

Aggie Ice Cream Day is my favorite day here at the Capitol. I look forward to it all session.


During floor time, we received a visit from Mark Eaton, a former Utah Jazz player. It’s interesting to not be the tallest one in the room.

Visiting with residents of the Haven

I was also very pleased to meet with some of the residents of the Haven. It is great that our state gives many people opportunities for a second chance.

Weekly Fun Fact

I am 6’5″. Ronald McDonald must be too!