Week Six of the Utah Legislative General Session

We have one week left on the Hill, and it will be full of meaningful floor debate and final budget negotiations.Now that final committee meetings have been held, most of our work will be done on the chamber floor. Between the House and the Senate, more than 700 bills...

Week Four of the Utah Legislative General Session

We are officially halfway through the 2014 General Legislative Session, and things are progressing up here on the hill. Every day more and more bills receive committee hearings, debate on the House floor, and are passed over to the Senate. This year alone there have...

Week Two of the Utah Legislative General Session

The start of our second week here on Utah’s Capitol Hill was met with hard work as our appropriations subcommittees continued to meet diligently and discuss the budget. These subcommittees reviewed state departments, audits, and spending, and then brought forward a...

Town Hall Meeting

Dear Friends and Neighbors,Join me for a legislative town hall meeting!  Tuesday, February 4, at 6:30 pm. It’s at Taylorsville City Hall, 2600 West 5400 South, room 202. Bring your surveys, questions, and ideas!!!We can’t wait to meet...

Summer Highlights

As September comes to a close, it’s hard to believe that summer is already over.  We’ve been able to accomplish many things these past few months.  First off, our interim meetings at the Capitol have been very successful.  I feel...


We have already been picking up steam with our Interim session with once a month meetings to discuss important matters for the 2013 General Legislative Session.  It is exciting to be back at the capitol, even if for only a few hours a month.  It is a...