The start of our second week here on Utah’s Capitol Hill was met with hard work as our appropriations subcommittees continued to meet diligently and discuss the budget. These subcommittees reviewed state departments, audits, and spending, and then brought forward a base budget. The base budget is presented in bill form and is essentially a guideline for spending for the year. The legislature continues to keep Utah fiscally responsible by balancing the budget every year.
This session, the legislature will introduce a solution that has been years in the making. By consolidating the 9-1-1-system across the state of Utah, we hope to ensure every Utahn will receive the best possible emergency response. Reforming the dispatch system will eliminate confusion, save money, shrink emergency response times and save lives.
Later in the week the Utah House of Representatives had the privilege of honoring fallen Sgt. Derek Johnson and his family with a citation on the House floor. As legislators, and as Utahns, we are grateful for the sacrifices law enforcement members and their families make every day.
As always, we look forward to hearing from you regarding any questions, comments, or concerns.
Honoring fallen Sgt. Derek Johnson and his family with a citation on the House floor. |
Thank You!
Thanks to all who came to the Town Hall Meeting and shared their ideas and concerns.
Your input is very valuable in helping me represent our district at the State capitol.
Remember to return your surveys!
Bill of the Week
HB 245 – State Fire Code Amendments (Rep. J. Dunnigan)
This bill modifies the fire code to allow housing structures to be built in girls camps in the mountains without requiring a sprinkling system provided the housing is constructed of non-flammable materials and does not include heating or cooking equipment.
Legislation that Passed the House
HB 30 – Controlled Substances Amendments (Rep. P. Ray)
This bill adds new “spice” and emerging drug analogs to the listed controlled substances.
HB 20 – Emergency Vehicle Operator Duty of Care Revisions (Rep. B. Dee)
This bill makes it so that the operator of an authorized emergency vehicle owes nothing to a suspect of a crime when the suspect is evading, fleeing or attempting to elude the operator of the authorized emergency vehicle.
HB 24 S1 – Insurance Related Amendments (Rep. J. Dunnigan)
This bill increases health insurance benefits on individual or small employer insurance plans for mental health and substance abuse. Secondly allows out of state insurance providers to work in Utah following natural disasters to help get claims paid more timely. And other regulatory clean up.
HB 25 – Eminent Domain Amendments (Rep. L. Perry)
This bill requires that when the right of eminent domain is being exercised a written statement with certain disclosures has to be given to the property owner. It also amend what uses eminent domain main be used for.
HB 241 – School Records Amendments (Rep. G. Froerer)
This bill says that a school must record and maintains to verify that a parent was notified of certain incidents or threats.
SB 25 – Candidate Certification Amendments (Sen. D. Henderson)
This bill provides that the deadline for a registered political party to certify its candidates for a primary election is 5 p.m. on April 28, 2014; provides that the deadline for the lieutenant governor to certify to the county clerks the candidates who will appear on the primary ballot is 5 p.m. on April 29, 2014; and provides that the provisions of this bill are repealed on January 1, 2015.
HB 238 – Local Referendum Requirements Amendments (Rep. K. Powell)
This bill provides that when a local legislative body imposes a tax or other payment obligation on property in an area that doesn’t include all areas in the jurisdiction of the legislative body that only those in which the tax or payment will apply give signatures and vote on the referendum.