We have already been picking up steam with our Interim session with once a month meetings to discuss important matters for the 2013 General Legislative Session. It is exciting to be back at the capitol, even if for only a few hours a month. It is a privilege to be able to represent you and your interests.
During our May meeting, we were able to meet in our committees to discuss more specific committee agendas. In the Business and Labor Committee, we had several agenda items to discuss, including: liquor licenses for restaurants, cosmetic medical procedures, and reviewing current laws that will either need to be renewed or allowed to sunset. In the Political Subdivisions Committee, we were able to listen to several presentations on such topics as Constable Amendments, the definition of “rural”, and sovereign citizen liens. These meetings turned out to be very productive and helped us to better understand the important issues for the upcoming session.
We also had another exciting event several weeks ago – the ceremonial bill signing of my fireworks bill from this past session! I was able to invite my family and several key contributors to this bill to this special event where Governor Herbert officially signed the bill. It was nice to be able to remember all of the hard work that went into this bill and be able to recognize those that helped the bill be a success.
My family and other important contributors to the bill watch as the Governor officially signs the bill.
My family with the Governor.
I have really enjoyed getting to know many more of you over these past few months at our neighborhood caucus, county convention, and even at Taste of Kearns. Thanks for being active in the political process. As always, please continue to send me emails with any comments or concerns you may have so I can best represent your interests.
Don’t forget about Taylorsville Dayzz coming up June 28-30th! There are a lot of exciting events planned. Check out taylorsvilledayzz.com for more information.