Monday marked the start of the 2014 General Legislative Session, but our work started before the gavel fell. In May of 2013 the legislature began their Interim Committee work in preparation for this legislative session. Interim Committees are a time when the committees take input and comments from the public and from State agencies.

Monday also marked the beginning of assembling the State’s thirteen billion dollar budget. The State budget is divided up into eight different subcommittees. Each legislator serves on at least one appropriation subcommittee. The work of the subcommittees is then combined together to form the overall State budget which then requires approval by the executive appropriations committee.

Please come sit with me on the House floor and see the legislative process in action. E-mail me at or call Teresa Urie at 801-699-5574.

Tomorrow evening at the Town Meeting is an opportunity for me to hear from you and discuss any legislative topics that are on your mind. See upcoming events for details.

Members of the Utah National Guard Color Guard post the colors during the opening ceremony of the 2014 General Legislative Session. 

Upcoming Events:

Feb 4 – 6:30 Townhall Meeting with Rep Jim Dunnigan. Bring your surveys, questions, and ideas!
Taylorsville City Hall
2600 W 5400 S room 202

Bill of the Week

H.B. 18 – Driver License Amendments (Handy)

One of the most important things a legislator does is listen to, and investigate the concerns of their constituents. A member of Rep. Handy’s district noticed an inconsistency in Utah’s driver licensure requirements and this week the House was able to pass H.B. 18. This bill allows drivers 17 years and older, who have had a permit for six months in another state, to transfer that permit to Utah and be licensed as a Utah driver after passing the required tests. Thanks to the feedback from Rep. Handy’s constituent and the hard work of Rep. Handy, the Utah House was able to remedy an oversight in the Utah Code. 

House Passed Legislation:

H.B. 10 Injured Worker Reemployment Amendments (Rep. Dunnigan)

Eliminated unnecessary regulatory and reporting requirement while maintaining the emphasis on getting an injured worker back to work.

H.B. 11 Overdose Reporting Amendments (Rep. Moss)

H.B. 13 Rural Waste Disposal (Rep. Menlove)

Allows an individual to dispose of nonhazardous solid waste under certain circumstances. 

H.B. 14 Administrative Rulemaking Amendments (Rep. Oda)

H.B. 15 Driver License Suspension Amendments (Rep. Sagers)

H.B. 21 System of Care for Minors in State Custody (Rep. Sanpei)

H.B. 22 Workforce Services Amendments (Rep. Edwards)

H.B. 27 Interlocal Cooperation Act Amendments (Rep. Barrus)