Here are the results from the 2009 constituent survey. Thank you to all who filled it out. I appreciate your input, and take your views into consideration as I vote. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
Survey Questions:
1. Utah’s economic downturn will require budget adjustments in every area. In light of the declining tax revenues, please rank from 1 to 9 the following state programs, with 1 being the highest priority for funding and 9 being the lowest.
___ Public Education
___ Illegal Immigration
___ Transportation
___ Higher Education
___ Public Safety/Corrections
___ Rainy Day Funds
___ Healthcare
___ Environmental Quality
___ Other__________________
2. Ethics Reform is a high priority in the 2009 legislative session. Please rank your priorities from 1 to 6, with 1 being the highest priority.
___ Gift ban
___ Campaign contribution limits commission
___ Ban on personal use of campaign
___ A one year ban before a
contributions Legislator becomes a lobbyist
___ Independent ethics
___ Other__________________
3. The Governor has proposed modifying Utah’s liquor laws. Do you support or oppose the following:
Eliminating private club fees at Utah’s bars.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
Banning minors from the bar area of restaurants.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
4. Even though Utah’s revenues are down, transportation needs are increasing. Which options do you support to fund transportation?
___ Transfer money from other state programs
___ Increase gas tax economy to improve
___ Increase car registration fees
___ Use Rainy Day Funds
___ Borrow by bonding
___ Do nothing and wait for the
___ Other__________________
5. A series of bills dealing with civil rights based on sexual orientation has been proposed. Do you support or oppose the following:
Health Insurance benefits for domestic partners.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
Creating housing rights based on sexual orientation.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
Prohibiting job termination based on sexual orientation.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
6. Do you support or oppose the following immigration reform:
A guest-worker program to relieve the employment problems faced by local businesses.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
Penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
Denying all social services to illegal immigrants.
___ Support ___ Oppose ___ Undecided
7. In an effort to make up for a decrease in tax revenues, various tax increases have been proposed. What do you think should happen in the following areas:
Sales Tax on food
___ Increased ___ Decreased ___ Stay the same
Tobacco Tax
___ Increased ___ Decreased ___ Stay the same
Income Tax
___ Increased ___ Decreased ___ Stay the same
Property Tax
___ Increased ___ Decreased ___ Stay the same
8. Ways to improve motor vehicle safety are being considered in this legislative session. Which of the following do you support?
___ A ban on cell phone use while driving
___ Limiting cell phone use to hands free devices while driving
___ Making driving without a seatbelt a primary offense