Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am grateful and honored to represent you in the Utah House of Representatives. As a long time West-side resident and small business owner, I share your concerns and goals for our community. Vicki and I are proud parents of two wonderful children who were educated in local schools. Your past support, input and assistance over the years has been greatly appreciated. Together we have accomplished a great deal at the Capitol:

Transportation– With our combined vision and dedication, we secured the funding to improve the intersections at Bangerter and our main East-West corridors;

JobsAs Chairman of the Business & Labor Committee, we pushed state government to assist Utah businesses, reduce regulation and promote hiring;

Education We recognize our focus should be on the classroom. This takes parents, students, educators, and policymakers all working together;

Taxes– Although in recession, we trimmed the fat and avoided raising taxes.

Republicans, Democrats, Independents, business and education groups publicly endorse our work on Capitol Hill. We have accomplished much, but out work is not complete.

We are working hard on our re-election campaign but I need your help: Putting a sign in your yard, distributing literature and making a financial contribution will help me greatly. Your friendship is always appreciated and I look forward to meeting with you. Please feel free to call me anytime at 801-84o-1800 or email me at:


Jim Dunnigan