
Rep. Dunnigan meeting with the Salt Lake Republican Caucus


Rep. Dunnigan speaking at a conference for the Utah PTA Region 5 and discussing the session’s education legislation.



Today, Rep. Dunnigan had the privilege of meeting with Senator Orrin Hatch. On the House Floor, we heard a concurrent resolution honoring Senator Hatch. This bill designates Wednesday, February 21, 2018, as “Orrin G. Hatch Day” in recognition for his service to the state of Utah.



Today, Rep. Dunnigan held his annual Town Hall Meeting. We discussed important topics such as: medical marijuana, the legal blood alcohol limit, and Medicaid expansion.



Rep. Dunnigan speaking at the annual Rally for Mental Illness and Addiction Recovery, hosted by USARA and NAMI.


Meeting with representatives from The Haven, an addiction recovery treatment center, and talking about promoting treatment for substance abuse and ending the stigma attached to addiction.


Rep. Dunnigan, presenting his bill HB411, Motor Vehicle Franchise Amendments, in the Business and Labor Committee.