Jim Dunnigan

For State Legislature

Representative Jim Dunnigan is a dedicated public servant and advocate for the residents of Taylorsville and Kearns. Jim has spent countless hours serving in our community, from serving on the first Taylorsville City Council to chairing The Taylorsville Dayzz Festival for 20 years and volunteering as clergy at the county jail. Jim and his wife Vicki are 43-year residents of Taylorsville. They are the proud parents of two wonderful children who graduated from Taylorsville High and have now blessed them with six grandchildren.

The Leadership Our Community Needs Right Now

How to Vote

 The November 3rd election will be conducted by mail. Ballots will be mostly by mail, with few voting locations open, ballots will reach your house the week of October 12th. Ballots must be be postmarked by Nov. 2nd, or they can be returned to the secure drop boxes located around the county through 8:00 p.m. on November. To learn more, please visit the Salt Lake County clerk’s office.

Vision, Issues, & Values

Fighting for your interests: As your legislator, I serve you.  Your priorities come before partisan politics. I have voted against legislation sponsored by my party, when necessary, to appropriately represent and protect my constituents. Examples include; opposing taxes on services, opposing increasing the tax on food, and opposing increasing gas taxes. I co-sponsored legislation to end the Utah Income tax on social security benefits.

Fighting corruption: Special interests breed corruption in politics. I have a strong track record of fighting corruption, even within my own party. I am proud to have crafted, sponsored and passed the biggest campaign finance reform in Utah politics, as well as multiple bills that improve government transparency and accountability. The legislative process should be open to the people, without interference by special interests. 

Economic Prosperity and Recovery: As a small business owner raising a family, I know how burdensome unnecessary government regulations and high taxes can be. I am proud to have been a part of making Utah the best place for business in the country. I will fight to support local businesses, keep the economy open, and ensure Utahns have the opportunity to work in midst of the pandemic.

Ready to Support Jim for State House?

Fill out the form below to host a yard sign or volunteer today. 

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